There was a clear intention to dilute black voting power 明显有意图要削弱黑人的选举力量。
Because the founders currently hold majority-voting rights, the plan does not require that shareholders give their consent to the dilution of their future voting power. 这项计划可能将会稀释股东未来的投票权,不过由于谷歌的几位创始人目前掌握了公司大多数的投票权,因此这项计划并不需要征得股东们的同意。
China's increase in the quota and voting power in the World Bank and the IMF will enable us to play a more constructive role in improving world economic governance and economic rebalancing. 中国在世界银行和国际货币基金组织中的份额与投票权提升,将在推动国际金融治理和世界经济平衡发展方面发挥更大建设性作用。
This seems like a bogus question, but it's one we need to be crystal clear on for a company with$ 13 billion in equity value and has one holder who accounts for over 60% of the voting power. 这似乎是个伪命题,但鉴于这家公司的权益价值为130亿美元,而且有一位投票权超过60%的股东,所以我们必须清楚地了解这个问题。
Hong Kong listing rules ban dual-class shares that give more voting power to a small group of owners. 香港的上市规则禁止这种给予一小部分股东更多投票权的双层股票结构。
Our block of stock increased in value as its size grew, particularly after we became the second largest stockholder with sufficient voting power to warrant consultation on any merger proposal. 我们所持的股份随着企业规模的扩大而增加,尤其是我们成为第二大股东之后,我们有足够的投票权以保证我们能够参与讨论任何与并购相关的建议。
At issue are the IMF quotas that determine voting power at the Fund and at present give Belgium a greater share of votes than India, and Italy more than China. 目前存在争议的是国际货币基金组织的配额问题,配额决定了成员国在该组织的投票权。目前,比利时在该组织中的配额高于印度,意大利则高于中国。
Members of the IMF approved reform measures that aim to increase the voting power of countries with growing economies. 国际货币组织的成员已经同意了改革措施,这项措施是为了增强发展中国家的投票权利。
It gives those nations voting power that is almost equal to larger members. 这个文件使得他们和其他人口多的国家几乎相等的投票权。
Issuing nonvoting stock allows a company to raise additional capital while maintaining management control and continuity without diluting voting power. 发行无投票权股票允许公司在不被稀释投票权以维持管理层控制和连续性的情况下来增资。
This growth has translated into more voting power for developing and transition economies at the World Bank. 随着发展中国家国内生产总值所占比重的增加,发展中经济体和转型经济体在世界银行的投票权也有所增加。
European labor movements were struggling to get this voting power when American workers had already achieved it. 因此当欧洲劳工运动还在为争取选举权而奋斗时,美国工人早已获得了这一权利。
Both the World Bank voting power reform and the IMF quota reform have made progress this year, and what has been decided should be implemented within the agreed timeframe. 今年,世界银行投票权和国际货币基金组织份额的两项改革都取得了进展,应该按照已确定的时间落实到位。
It has also taken important steps to increase the voting power and participation of developing countries. 在增加发展中国家的投票权和参与度方面,它也采取了一些重要的措施。
IMF members agreed in principle to increase the voting power of China, South Korea, Turkey and Mexico in April and a small one-off increase in quotas is almost certain to be agreed this week. 4月份,国际货币基金组织的各个成员国原则上同意,增加中国、韩国、土耳其和墨西哥的投票权,本次会议几乎肯定会达成一致,对这些国家的配额作小幅的一次性增加。
For this to make a difference, however, shareholders need more voting power. Without this, improved transparency will not fix the problems that disclosure reveals. 不过,要让它发挥作用,股东需要更大的投票权,否则,改善透明度也无法解决披露出来的问题。
An agreement to review IBRD and IFC shareholdings every five years with a commitment to equitable voting power between developed countries and DTCs over time. 达成协议每五年审核国际复兴开发银行和国家开发协会的持股状况,承诺随着时间推移实现发达国家与发展中国家和转轨国家之间的投票权平等。
He said China's stance received support and understanding from some developing countries, but, due to the push by a tiny number of developed countries with major voting power in the IMF, the decision still passed. 他表示,中国的立场得到了部分发展中国家的支持和理解。但由于拥有大量投票权的少数发达国家和基金组织管理层的推动,《新决定》还是获得了通过。
Ad hoc loans would not immediately affect countries 'voting power in the IMF, which is determined by a separate contributions process, and would be at the countries' discretion. 专项贷款不会立即影响相关国家在IMF的投票权(这种投票权是由另一套贡献程序决定的),并将由各国酌情提供。
It is of great significance whether the object of stockholder voting power trust is share or share-based voting power. 股东表决权信托的客体究竟是股份还是基于股份所产生的表决权,意义重大。
The World Bank yesterday won the first general increase in its capital since 1988 in return for a shift of voting power towards emerging markets. 世界银行(worldbank)昨日获得了自1988年以来的首次普遍增资。作为回报,新兴市场国家获得了更多的投票权。
More voting power in the International Monetary Fund? 在国际货币基金组织(IMF)获得更大投票权?
Common people are only having VOTING POWER which gives all the Politicians to loot the country, to cheat us, to rape us, to kill us, to destroy our homes, to destroy our natural resources. 普通百姓只有选举权利,这让所有政客抢劫国家,欺骗、强奸、谋杀我们,摧毁我们的家园和自然资源。
Some, especially fast-growing emerging economies, will gain voting power relative to others. Others ( such as Australia) will lose. 一些成员国,尤其是发展迅速的新兴市场经济体,其投票权相对而言将会增加,而其它成员国(例如澳大利亚)投票权将会减少。
Adapting to this new world is not about modest shifts in voting power at the IMF or World Bank Group boards. 适应新的世界形势并不是简单地改变国际货币基金组织和世界银行集团董事会的投票权。
The reward was a slightly larger-than-expected shift of more than 6 percentage points towards emerging market countries in the quotas that determine voting power in the 24-member executive board, and Europe agreeing to give up two of its board seats. 结果甚至略微好于预期:新兴市场国家的配额将增加逾6个百分点&配额将决定各方在IMF执行理事会(共有24个席位)投票权的大小;欧洲同意让出两个理事席位。
The International Monetary Fund has approved changes that increase the voting power of member countries: china, South korea, Mexico and turkey. 国际货币组织已经同意了增加以下几个国家的权利:中国,韩国,墨西哥和土耳其。
( ii) establish the policies of the Bank, and, by a majority representing not less than three-fourths of the total voting power of the members, take decisions on major operational and financial policies and on delegation of authority to the President under Bank policies; (二)制定银行的政策;并以不低于成员总投票权四分之三的多数,根据银行政策对银行主要业务和财务政策的决策,及向行长下放权力事宜做出决定;